Find a mentor

Getting your twenty cases mentored is often the biggest roadblock to completing your sedation training.

So we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you!

Not been mentored before?

There are some options to finding a sedation mentor.

Firstly you could check out our list of mentors in your area

You could contact STAC and ask for a list of IACSD accredited mentors

You could be mentored by an experienced colleague (dentist or medic).  If so, and you’ve done one of our courses, we would like to approve your mentor first so you are assured they have the required experience in IV Sedation. Just fill out the form below.

Not done our training course and want us to mentor?

We need to make sure your training is appropriate and in date, fill in the form “Do you want someone from UKSedation to mentor you?”

mentor approval

Approval form for additional supervisor (mentor)

You do not need to use this form if the mentor is already IACSD accredited as a supervisor.

Your name (mentee)
Your name (mentee)
Name of mentor to be approved
Name of mentor to be approved
Has mentor completed at least 12 hours sedation CPD in the last 5 years?
After submission, the details will be forwarded to us for evaluation. UKSedation and Mellow Dental reserve the right not to approve someone who does not have the relevant experience.
Apply to be a mentee with UKS

Do you want someone from UKSedation to mentor you?
