How to use UKSedation in your practice

Welcome to the Compliance Builder! You can work through the modules and develop Sedation Policies, keep tabs on ILS training and much more. For UK Sedation customers, much of the information is pre-filled for you. If you carry out your own sedation, you can download the templates and adapt as necessary. Don't forget, you also have access to our Exclusive Shop Street App for staff discounts on the High Street

About Instructor

Rob Endicott

Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists). He is also the founder and CEO of UKSedation, a nationwide team of dental sedationists in primary private practice.

6 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons