Capnography and Airway Management in Dental Sedation COMING SOON

Capnography is a Developmental Standard in Sedation Dentistry, common place in many other sedation settings and recommended by non dental standards in healthcare.

Developed by Dr Roy Bennett and Dr Rob Endicott, this course, spanning 2 hours of sedation vCPD aims to:

  1. Educate the learner about the problems of a shared airway in dental sedation including what we commonly see and what can go wrong.
  2. Help the learner realise the inherent problems with pulse oximetry as the sole method of monitoring, why oximeters are an adjunct to clinical monitoring and not the other way around.
  3. Educate the learner in how Capnography works, what we measure and provide practical real life views of capnography in action.
  4. Give the user confidence to be able to use capnography immediately and be able to accuraltely interpret the results.


About Instructor

Rob Endicott Roy Bennett

Dr Roy Bennett is the director of Mellow Dental Training, IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and former director of Portmans Dental Care. Dr Rob Endicott is an IACSD accredited trainer and mentor and is the ViceChair of the ADAS (Association of Dental Anaesthetists and Sedationists)

7 Courses

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons